Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Relationships with children and young people Essay

Describe how you would establish respectful, professional, relationships with children and young people. It is important to establish respectful and professional relationships with children and young people as a role of a Teaching Assistant. A relationship in which a child trusts and respects their teaching assistant and feels comfortable in their company, will allow you to offer a supportive and caring environment in which the child can learn and develop. Listening is arguably the most important way in which to establish a respectful and professional relationship with a child or young person. By listening to what a child has to say, without interruption, conveys to the child that you are in interested in and values what the child has to say. By not interrupting the child, it shows that their views and opinions are not only respected by you, but are also as important as the views and opinions of you themselves. You should also take an active interest in what the child has to say and an interest in the child themselves. For example, what are their hobbies, their interests, their likes and dislikes? . Children respond to routine and rules and should be made aware of what the rules are and the consequences of breaking rules. By doing this, this will enable you to explain to the child that the punishment they have received for breaking a rule ‘is fair’. Fairness helps to establish respectful relationships. Children are very aware of the concept of fairness and the statement ‘it’s not fair’ is often heard within the classroom. Every child should feel secure and valued no matter of their culture, abilities, sex or race and your interactions with the child or young person should demonstrate this at all times. It is important you establish these ground rules and mutual respect right from the beginning, as well as discuss the factors with the pupils that are important when working together. It is crucial that you start by talking about how you are going to work together and what each person wants to get out of it. By doing this it will help you develop a mutually respectful relationship with the pupils. You must also  remember to be able to adapt your behaviour, and be able to communicate accordingly to every child. It is important that you can demonstrate effective communication skills and show that you are approachable to each individual child or young person you are working with. You need to take into consideration that each child or young person is different and can be at different development stages. It is very important when talking or listening to a child that you maintain eye contact, concentrate on what they are saying and physically lower yourself to their level. This shows the child respect and that you consider them as an equal. Finding out about some of their interests and hobbies will also show them that you are really interested. You should make an effort to learn all children’s names, how to spell them and how to pronounce them. Professionally this is also important; being able to put a face to a name will ensure the child’s safety. Children have a great respect for fairness; ‘it’s not fair’ is a common phrase in the classroom. A way of showing fairness is allowing a child to explain their version of events; again this shows that you are willing to listen. However it is important to be consistent in situations, if two children break the same rule it would be unfair to punish one and not the other, this would result in lack of respect from the children. It would also be unfair if you were to show favouritism, like letting your ‘favourites’ get away with things that you would punish other chi ldren for. Being polite not only shows respect but as an adult being polite is a good role model for the children. Children always have stories to tell and being interested and polite shows them that you have listened to them. Children mimic the behaviour of adults, if you are polite, honest, fair and respectful to children there is more chance that they will be act the same towards you.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Brush Yo Teeth

Brush your teeth added 8-7-97 Original Author Unknown Sung to: â€Å"Row, Row Row your Boat† Brush, brush, brush your teeth. At least two times a day. Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning, cleaning, Fighting tooth decay. Floss, floss,floss your teeth. Every single day. Gently, gently, gently,gently, Whisking Plaque away. Rinse, rinse, rinse your teeth Every single day. Swishing, swishing, swishing, swishing, Fighting tooth decay. * Brush twice a day with an ADA — accepted fluoride toothpaste to remove plaque-the sticky film on teeth that's the main cause of tooth decay. Floss daily to remove plaque from between your teeth and under the gumline, before it can harden into tartar. Once tartar has formed, it can only be removed by a professional cleaning. * Eat a well-balanced diet that limits starchy or sugary foods, which produce plaque acids that cause tooth decay. When you do eat these foods, try to eat them with your meal instead of as a snack-the extra saliva produced during a meal helps rinse food from the mouth. * Use dental products that contain fluoride, including toothpaste. * Make sure that your children's drinking water is fluoridated.If your water supply; municipal, well or bottled does not contain fluoride, your dentist or pediatrician may prescribe daily fluoride supplements. * Take your child to the dentist for regular checkups. What Brushing Techniques Can I Show My Child? You may want to supervise your children until they get the hang of these simple steps: * Use a pea-sized dab of an ADA-accepted fluoride toothpaste. Take care that your child does not swallow the toothpaste. * Using a soft-bristled toothbrush, brush the inside surface of each tooth first, where plaque may accumulate most.Brush gently back and forth. * Clean the outer surfaces of each tooth. Angle the brush along the outer gumline. Gently brush back and forth. * Brush the chewing surface of each tooth. Gently brush back and forth. * Use the tip of the brush to clean behind each front tooth, both top and bottom. * It's always fun to brush the tongue! When Should My Child Begin Flossing? Because flossing removes food particles and plaque between teeth that brushing misses, you should floss for your children beginning at age 4. By the time they reach age 8, most kids can begin flossing for themselves.What are Dental Sealants and How Do I Know if My Child Needs Them? A dental sealant creates a highly-effective barrier against decay. Sealants are thin plastic coatings applied to the chewing surfaces of a child's permanent back teeth, where most cavities form. Applying a sealant is not painful and can be performed in one dental visit. Your dentist can tell you whether your child might benefit from a dental sealant. What is Fluoride and How Do I Know if My Child is Getting the Right Amount? Fluoride is one of the best ways to help prevent against tooth decay.A naturally occurring mineral, fluoride combines with the tooth's enamel to strengthen it. In many mu nicipal water supplies, the right amount of fluoride is added for proper tooth development. To find out whether your water contains fluoride, and how much, call your local water district. If your water supply does not contain any (or enough) fluoride, your child's pediatrician or dentist may suggest using fluoride drops or a mouthrinse in addition to a fluoride toothpaste. How Important is Diet to My Child's Oral Health? A balanced diet is necessary for your child to develop strong, decay-resistant teeth.In addition to a full range of vitamins and minerals, a child's diet should include plenty of calcium, phosphorous, and proper levels of fluoride. If fluoride is your child's greatest protection against tooth decay, then frequent snacking may be the biggest enemy. The sugars and starches found in many foods and snacks like cookies, candies, dried fruit, soft drinks, pretzels and potato chips combine with plaque on teeth to create acids. These acids attack the tooth enamel and may le ad to cavities. Each â€Å"plaque attack† can last up to 20 minutes after a meal or snack has been finished.Even a little nibble can create plaque acids. So it's best to limit snacking between meals. What Should I Do if My Child Chips, Breaks or Knocks Out a Tooth? With any injury to your child's mouth, you should contact your dentist immediately. The dentist will want to examine the affected area and determine appropriate treatment. If your child is in pain from a broken, cracked or chipped tooth, you should visit the dentist immediately. You may want to give an over-the-counter pain reliever to your child until his/her appointment.If possible, keep any part of the tooth that has broken off and take this with you to the dentist. If a tooth is completely knocked out of the mouth by an injury, take the tooth to your dentist as soon as possible. Handle the tooth as little as possible — do not wipe or otherwise clean the tooth. Store the tooth in water or milk until you g et to a dentist. It may be possible for the tooth to be placed back into your child's mouth, a procedure called reimplantation. Fine motor and measuring Toothpaste Putty In bowl, mix 2 tablespoons cornstarch, 1 tablespoon white glue, and ? teaspoon toothpaste (not gel).Add ? teaspoon water. Stir until mixture is soft like putty. Putty may begin to harden in 20 minutes; to soften add a drop of water. Projects will dry hard in 24 hours. The more you pull and stretch this like taffy the better it gets. I also keep a small container like a tuna can on the table with a little water in it. This putty dries fast and if the children just dip their fingers periodically in the water and then handle the putty the few drops of water restores the texture. You can make a picture recipe of this and each child can follow the recipe to make their own personal amount of this dough

Book review Essay

Florence Industries, Inc. is a company which provides three entirely different types of products and services through three divisions of the company: consumer products division, industrial products division and professional services. Each division is treated as an entirely different company and the performance evaluation criteria is return on assets in recent years after major shift. Although, the divisions used to be treated as profit centres, this decision meant they are treated more as investment centres. The Company in 2008 & 2009: From the income statement for 2008 and 2009, it is noticed that there is an increase in revenue by 4% and 11% increase in net profit in 2009. From balance sheet for 2008 and 2009 it is noticed that Florence has issued shared and borrowed long term loan in order to invest in project required high asset cost as the company asset has increased by $ 50,460,000 during 2009. The Company has also declared a dividend to equity of $ 12,570,000 during 2009 and keep $ $11,736,000 to meet future expansion and expense of business Issues and Analysis: Rejecting Proposals Just Based On Gross Margin Requirement: CFO Ben Johnson has recently rejected the new product proposal of product development manager of consumer products division Calvin Marone as its estimated return of 13.67%(exhibit 1) per year was less than the 15% minimum gross return % requirement any new investment proposal should generate in order to get approve. The company’s 2007 gross return was 9.3 % and Ben estimated that it should go up easily to 12% and set target for each division to bring new product proposal of more than 15% gross return generating capabilities. Then again, gross return of Company in 2009 after rejecting the Marone’s proposal was 9.4%. Suppose if Marone’s proposal would have been accepted, then the Company 2009 gross return would have been approximately 9.6% (Exhibit 2) which would have been even higher than 2008 gross return of 9.5%. So, rejecting proposals that would have actually been beneficial just based on gross margin estimations seems redundant. Return on Investment Comparatively Low In Terms of Free Cash Flow: As per the balance sheet of Florence, it is noticed that there has been an increase in cash balance of $ 390,000 during the year 2009 as compared to 2008 balance. During 2009, the  Company has generated cash of $ 42,756,000 from operating activities and $ 13,950,000 from finance activities. Further the Company has used cash of $ 56,316,000(Exhibit 3) in investing activities. Company has used its majority of cash flow generated from operational and financing activities in investing activities. However in case of Florence, the free cash flow is less than the amount of investment made by the company in 2009 which indicate that the company is highly dependent on third party finance for expansion. However, the company has taken initiatives to counter this. They have broken down divisions into investment centres as compared to cost centres which will help enhance the performance of the divisions and influence them to get more out of investments made. By converting the divisions in investment units, it become the overall responsibility of division managers to generate the profit to the company not only on the basis of revenue and expense but also on the basis of total asset employed in order to run the division. Same Performance Evaluation Standard for Each Division: There are some negatives that came out of the Investment Center approach. First, it may not be appropriate to use one Gross return performance standard for all divisions of Florence, considering differences in type of service provided, products, operations, risks, and differences in measurement because of asset age. These divisions cannot be compared with the same yardstick. For example, Professional services division does not use much asset so it will be inappropriate to measure its performance on the basis of gross return % (exhibit 4). Also, as division manager of Industrial Products division tried to explain, Consumer Products Division had a lot of old machines in their assets meaning those depreciated assets, whatever return they come up with, are making things look better in terms of return on assets than they are in reality. Moreover, including allocated corporate asset in the computation of gross return figure means that division and division managers are held accountable for costs and assets over which they don’t have any control at all. Recommendations: Have Other Evaluation Criteria Along with Investment Center Approach: The decision to treat divisions as investment center has its benefits. Benefits of this approach include improvement in operational decision making, reduction in cost of corporate administration, increased motivation at  division level, and freeing corporate management up for more effective utilization. However, there are some pitfalls as well. Just having return on assets as decision criteria isn’t enough and they should take other criteria into account. Criteria like Economic Value Added which takes into account costs of financing the capital or even simple Net Profit which judges the division’s profitability as a whole. And, to counter the problem of having too many old machines in the consumer products division compare to other divisions, the company could take out the depreciation and compare to see how it affects ROA as a whole when taken in to account and when not. That should give the company a clearer picture. Developing a Balanced Scorecard: Developing a balance scorecard should go some way to make sure performance evaluation is fair and is illustrative of actual performance as it takes into account different measures for different functions usually. In this case, Florence would of course has to make it about the divisions rather than functions of business. In the suggested balanced scorecard below (Figure-1) we can see a bit modified targets and measures for different divisions as their goals are slightly different. Figure-1 For both consumer products and industrial products divisions, returns based on both net profit and ROA are important and give a fairer comparison. Customer satisfaction (in Industrial products division’s case it’s more the satisfaction based on compliance with specific designs is another evaluation criteria for both and the target for both should be bettering last year’s performance in each measures. For the professional services division, the growth has been rapid in recent years and retaining that growth will be important. Another important measure is corporate social responsibility i.e. environmental impact studies the division performs which not only is required by the law but also helps build reputation for the company and is part of CSR activities. So, it’s important to keep that into context. Develop evaluation criteria for new projects: Florence Industries Inc. needs to change evaluation criteria for new projects as it is noticed they’re rej ected a project that would have been beneficial for them every which way just because it didn’t fulfil ROA requirement. Along with ROA, CFO Ben could also analyse the below mentioned points before accepting or rejecting any new project: 1)Project payback period 2)Project NPV (Net present value) 3)Project IRR (Internal rate of return) Conclusion: Florence’s sales growth has been phenomenal for a new company and now it’s time to make some major managerial decisions that will shape the future. And, they have started doing so by transforming the divisions into investment centers from profit centers. While it is a good way to go, creating a balance is necessity and having a more comprehensive knowledge about how every division is doing based on more than one evaluation criteria will be important. Each division is run in their own way and the dissimilarities are far greater to just keep evaluating them based on the investment approach. Also, they can’t keep rejecting projects based on one simple requirement as it hinders the growth of the company. That’s why we suggest Florence Industries Inc. to be a bit more open-minded and take broader aspects in consideration and make things fairer for the divisions and the upcoming projects as well.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Englosh Literature lesson 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Englosh Literature lesson 3 - Essay Example he disorder of anorexia, which contributes to the overall theme of disease and shows the tangible manifestation of this invasion into the serene culture of the sisters and their people. While the opening pages set the tone and movement of the story, we find after reading the book that much more is involved. Dangarembga’s description of the ills present in her home country are striking, even enraging; but she always brings us back to the beauty inherent in the culture and the underlying strength of the women in her story. Thus the reader is provided with a keen sense of the inner struggle of all the characters, torn between two countries and two cultures, forced to reconcile the invading influence of outsiders with the terms of their own identity as beautiful and strong African women. In the opening paragraph of Nervous Conditions, Tambu tells us that she is preparing to tell the story of the people she knows â€Å"my own story, the story of four women I loved, and our men† (Dangaremgba 1989). She introduces the book as a tale she seeks to weave about herself and the women and men in her life. She also talks about how she doesn’t like her brother and that when he dies it offers her a new opportunity. In addition, she mentions that something strange or difficult will happen to the main character. Her intention is obvious here—she wishes to extend to us the story of her upbringing, the experiences she and her sister witnessed, and how she reached what she sought. In the way a child or young girl might, she wants to entice the reader with a sense of drama, but we can tell that despite her young wisdom, her story is much more than even she can comprehend. Despite her intention, the book takes its readers far beyond just the limited scope of herself and her loved ones, but about the travesty of one culture being invaded and colonized by the other and, specifically, the effect this culture clash has on the women who must fight or succumb to

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Argument - Essay Example Although many prefer to practice premarital cohabitation, some sectors who are conservative within the society view premarital cohabitation as abominable. This is because of the consequences it brings. To them cohabitation causes confusion among younger generations and other people. They find the value of marriage and marriage certificate for granted. Marriage becomes a matter of ceremony without importance because they do not exactly know what constitutes marriage. However, some people find marriage as not the sole criterion of confusion among younger groups when considering the relationship of couples. In fact, youth who comes from a family whose parents are married but quarrel most of the time are more confused. Younger generations who understand the goal of premarital cohabitation may find it not confusing and may consider it a better option of marriage. This idea is supported in the article of Budinski & Trovato (72) where they made it clear that cohabitation is a viable alterna tive for marriage especially to those who do not have the confidence in entering a long term marriage just yet. They further stated that when couples cohabit, components of marriage are present like sharing of home, sexual intimacy, childbearing, and economic resources. With this, the couple may live like husband and wife just the same where they can enjoy playing their role as partners and parents. Individuals of any age who understand this purpose may consider premarital cohabitation as a springboard to marriage. Thus this does not post confusion. People who are against living together before marriage or premarital cohabitation claim that entering such situation may result in habitually changing their partners and are observed to be having difficulty finding a lifelong partner. This practice gives a belief that repeated cohabitation would be a predictor for future marriage failures as a result of weeding out process. Through selection, the person may change partner every now and t hen. However, observation shows that cohabiters and non cohabiters experience divorce at almost the same rate. In the study of Bruderl and company (1), they explained that it is not the cohabitation that increases the chance of couple’s separation but rather mismatches of some psychological traits. Once the mismatch traits are detected, it is likely that the person is going to weed out those incompatible traits resulting in an improved experience which makes the next relationship a success. This is evident among couples who were recently questioned in their answers that they are improving their chances of success in their marital relationship with their experience thus the prevalence of separation or divorce is reduced in the subsequent relationship. A large number of people especially Muslims believe that the practice of premarital cohabitation is better because it ensures stronger compatibility and commitment of couples. To be compatible needs adjustment to each other. Perh aps the way couples do this would be to live together. Couples have to be close together to really observe the way each lives. Doing this could help couples find out if they could bear each other without too much tension, quarrels and other problems. If they find out that they are comfortable with each other’s lifestyle, then they may consider marriage. However, if they are not, then it would be easy for them to just break apart because of the absence of legal paper works and commitment. Taxes would be easier to handle

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Discussion 3.2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Discussion 3.2 - Essay Example obility of patients in the community healthcare facility and numerous critical issues encountered by the hospital, the health department of Cincinnati worked as an agent of change. The city carried out an independent evaluation of the hospital’s operations. Moreover, the city strictly defended the required developments in the hospital. Various issues were faced by the institution while executing the advocacy role, especially concerning the authority of domestic health department. It is evident from the execution of numerous suggestions, the communication amongst the officials from the city and the government increase in the finances for healthcare and continued assessments that the Cincinnati Health Department contributed positively in the process of change. This article identifies the problem and discusses in detail the process followed to solve that problem and is based on an actual hospital. This verifies the authenticity of this article and makes it a credible source. This article can be taken as a case study and be used to teach problem solving skills to the health care

Friday, July 26, 2019

Windows and Macintosh Operating Systems Assignment

Windows and Macintosh Operating Systems - Assignment Example It is a set of manual and automatic procedures that enable a group of people to share a computer installation efficiently (Hansen 1). This program serve as the primary platform where functional software runs. We have heard about DOS and Windows and perhaps are over-familiar with these things. Along these platform categories there belong different types of individual real names for operating systems. Microsoft, Apple, Linux, and other names are similarly popular. Their functions maybe the same but their suitability may differ depending on the preference and convenience of the user. There are several leading names on office network operating systems. Among these names, there are two, which are most commonly used and adopted by different offices and organizations worldwide. The competing leaders of the commercially available operating systems are Microsoft Windows and Macintosh Operating Systems. Considering the latest versions of these products, let us therefore evaluate the performances of Windows Vista from Microsoft and Mc OS X from Macintosh based on the office network requirements. In addition, file handling and other office functionality of the systems must also be evaluated. Finally, let us look at the picture of other user's preferences based on information of what systems other industries are using. Findings File handling and office works capabilities The office primary activities include document creation, filing and browsing. Apple Incorporated through their website with the title "Mac OS X Leopard" and Microsoft's Windows website titled "Windows Vista" both show that their operating systems supports these office functionality with different methods and styles. However, minor cases differ in file handling such as OS X does not allow "cut" in the Finder to move files just as Vista can do. They both support word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, and database programs from other third party sources. Mac has its own Finder similar to Windows Search for easy document files and information searching within the computer, the networks, or the web. The search capability is supported with preview capability to allow seeing the document before opening a means to fast track document search. Windows Vista has file-encrypting capability, which protect file from unauthorized access for computers that are shared by different office workers, and in the networks. Mac OS also supports encrypting within the network. Networking capabilities Networking, whether within office, with other networks, or through the Internet is a major requirement of the current office systems. Software that doesn't support this requirement cannot stand with intense market competitions. Obviously, the Windows and Mac operating systems both should have these capabilities. The question is who has better functionality against the other Browsing the features from the respective official websites of the product we have learned that they have their own unique advantage. Mac OS X supports a

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The influence of the Enlightenment and Postmodernism on Work Essay

The influence of the Enlightenment and Postmodernism on Work - Essay Example According to my research, postmodernism is clearly influencing numerous businesses and organizations that operate in the digital world (David 2010). This is evident in companies that are utilizing post modernism technology in their day-today operations. Remarkably, this is a major step in conserving the ecosystem, making work easier, and improving medical care. However, postmodern changes pose a major challenge to businesses and organizations. This is evident in my research on how several companies are also using internet connectivity. For example, the internet is been used to make work easier worldwide. The use of social media such as Facebook indicates the work simplicity that result from postmodernism whereby I relay information to workmates through these sites (Astradur 2009). Moreover, I can hold meetings with people at work without attending the meeting by the use of video conferencing technology. Modernism and Financial Times Hi-tech advancements are been embraced largely by the serious media in online activities. My research has revealed the dramatic changes in media especially the financial times and the times. The Financial time plan to eliminate a number of editorial jobs and replace them with a few jobs as a focus on post modernism by this the financial time will have shifted from news to a more fast networked business. However, this will have a large number of employees jobless. Financial times have shifted from then modern way of printing newspapers to a more flexible and fast means the online news and services. Only job cutting will act as a source of revenue to ensure that it will continue existing in the post modernized era although is not enough to keep it running in the post modernized era. ... This is evident in my research on how several companies are also using internet connectivity. For example, the internet is been used to make work easier worldwide. The use of social media such as Facebook indicates the work simplicity that result from postmodernism whereby I relay information to workmates through these sites (Astradur 2009). Moreover, I can hold meetings with people at work without attending the meeting by the use of video conferencing technology. Modernism and Financial Times Hi-tech advancements are been embraced largely by the serious media in online activities. My research has revealed the dramatic changes in media especially the financial times and the times. The Financial time plan to eliminate a number of editorial jobs and replace them with a few jobs as a focus on post modernism by this the financial time will have shifted from news to a more fast networked business. However, this will have a large number of employees jobless. Financial times have shifted fr om then modern way of printing newspapers to a more flexible and fast means the online news and services. Only job cutting will act as a source of revenue to ensure that it will continue existing in the post modernized era although is not enough to keep it running in the post modernized era. Financial Time Modernism Challenges The financial time is also facing a challenge of competitors where its only competitors are the new entrants the Google and twitter. However, these competitors are a major challenge to the financial times since their cost of production and operation is low. The Financial time has to find other ways of earning revenue other than the advertising way (Yuenan 2013). This is because of the deflating advertisements due to major

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Liberal Democratic Tradition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Liberal Democratic Tradition - Essay Example From these principles, other elements of freedom include individualism, egalitarianism, universalism and meliorism. The presentation was positioned in the minds of the people that it gives a detailed point of liberation. Liberalism is being steered by certain themes such as not allowing the government to take control of people’s life (Buchanan 2008). A good number of Liberals believe that one is entitled to his/her opinions and thoughts. A rebel will agree with a woman who wants to abort. Liberals have support for every woman who is deemed free to choose what is good or bad for her. When it comes to love issues, most Liberals are not bothered with same-sex marriage. Liberals in America believe that every gay or straight is entitled to choose whom to love and marry. There is no boundary when it comes to the issues of the heart. It is clear for every liberal that everyone in society is free to believe in his or her religion. Individuals can believe in what their religion prescribes them to do (Mower, 2012). One can decide to worship throughout the week or even once per week depending on how they want it. If once decides to follow no religion its right for him/her. Religion should be kept private among individuals and that prayer should not interrupt other people (Barry 2009). Liberals believe that whether rich or poor everyone is subjected to equality. Economic conditions should not favor the privileged members of the society. Every member of the community is subjected to equal rights, Resources should be distributed amongst people equally without discrimination of age, race and gender. While individualism is a valid element egalitarianism, meliorism are primary fundamentals of liberalism. As promoted by classical liberalism, egalitarianism defines the equal opportunity everyone is entitled to. This will also comprise legal and political equality. Experts in the

The Great Economic Depression Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Great Economic Depression - Term Paper Example The Great Economic Depression Indeed, the stock market crashed, the economy eventually collapsed and the U.S was marred by a long spell of economic depression. This paper analyzes the major causes of the Great Depression, and the reasons why it lasted so long. The Great Economic Depression Introduction The Great depression of the 1930 is one of the darkest moments in the economic history of the United States. It was characterized by a crash of the stock market, collapse of the economy, which eventually escalated into a prolonged period of economic depression. The Great Depression caused enormous of hardships to millions of people and resulted to the collapse of a large fraction of the country’s banks, farms and businesses. Besides many other long-term causes which developed prior to the depression such as bank failures, decline in spending and the drought conditions, the stock market crash of October 1929 is perceived as the immediate cause of the Great Depression. The crash of the stock market The crash o f the stock market in October 1929 has been believed to be the major spark that marked the onset of the Great Depression. Initially, the stock market thrived through the 1920’s. The more it grew, the more people invested their money into it. Nonetheless, on Tuesday October 29, 1929, otherwise known as the Black Tuesday, the stock market crashed (Bernanke 16). Within two month after the crash of the stock market, stockholders had lost over $40 billion.... Bank failures The other major factor that contributed to the onset of Great Depression is the bank failures. Prior to the depression, many banks, especially in the rural areas had overextended their loans to farmers, most of who could not repay. Conversely, most big banks had overextended their credit to foreign countries in the aftermath of the First World War. As times became tougher, most of the banks halted their lending and many debtors defaulted on their outstanding loans. Consequently, many banks went bankrupt. Be that as it may, more than 9000 banks in the United States had collapsed by the end of the 1930’s (McConnell, Brue and Flynn 28). As a result many people lost their savings as most of the bank deposits were uninsured. As the Great Depression continued to hit even harder, more and more banks were forced out of business due to bankruptcy. In addition, the few surviving banks were worried and became more concerned with their ability to continue running. As a resul t, most of them became reluctant to offer new loans. This aggravated the situation as it led to less expenditure. Thus, the increased closing of banks and the panics by the surviving banks almost completely shut down the banking system of the United States. Decline in spending Scores of economists have attributed the onset of the Great Depression to a decline in spending. This is based on huge decline in output and prices during the Great Depression. An adverse demand shock leads to a reduction in aggregate demand for goods and services at a given price. As a result of the stock market crash and increased fears regarding the future economic problems, many people stopped purchasing goods and services. This

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Selection Interview as an Effective Employee Selection Practice Essay

Selection Interview as an Effective Employee Selection Practice - Essay Example The rationale for the selection interview as the final determination of a candidate’s fate is that it will predict the performance of the potential candidate. However, this is a misplaced concept. Even lie detector test need a baseline to determine which statement are lies and which are not. Without a baseline for the candidate’s demeanor, inflections and overall behaviour it is very hard to accurately determine his intention and motivations or predict his future performance. Just the same, given that selection interviews are still preffered by many managers to â€Å"feel† their candidates, the Human Resoruce Management Department should equip these managers the skills and knowledge they need to have. â€Å"A competency-based framework is advocated as the best way to creating a level playing field for evaluating candidates and for improving the validity of the selection interview. Competencies should be developed as part of a job analysis in which job descriptio n defines the duties or tasks invovled and a person specification details the characteristics or knowledge, skills and abilities required to perform the job. Some competencies can be assessed only by experts and others may require work samples, while still others need to be monitored or assess over time in the job. Competency approaches should therefore be developed as part of the corporate resource policy.† (Swift & Robertson, 2000) According to Lou Adler (1998) in the book â€Å"Hire with Your Head† The best interviewers use two different critical thinking skills, one for the hiring decision and another for information gathering. They recognize that the hiring decision must be intuitive, since there is never enough information to match abilities, needs, and interests... In Hiring the Best the following were cautioned to be the normal problems when a the wrong person is hired for the job. â€Å"Poor analysis of job functions, leading to the recruitment of the wrong people. Misguided recruitment strategies, leading to an inadequte pool of talent. Poor analysis of the necessary skill sets and behaviors, leading to inappropriate selection criteria.Inadequate initial screening, leading to wasted time and the wrong candidate on the short list. Selection interviews it is best to be prepared, knowing what you want is better than the candidate telling you that you want them, a good charismatic salesman can do that. Unless the position that needs to be filled up is for a salesman that is not a good way to choose the best candidate. The job description of the position to be filled should be on hand and in the mind of the interviewer. But knowing the technical requirement of the job is not enough. The interviewer should also be familiar with the culture or operating atmosphere of the position that is going to be filled. Information such as these is useful in determining the right behaviour, temperament and attitude needed for the job that should be in the ideal candidate. For organizations, the best interviewers are those that do not harbour or display any strong biases in any form. Training the interviewers in basic psychology and conducting scientific interview is another strategy in assuring professionally conducted selection interviews. The best result however may not be within the range or near one hundred percent as far as choosing the best and ideal candidates. This is due to the fact that selection interviews are intuitive in nature. It’s just that some are better liars than most.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The events leading to the Monroe Doctrine Essay Example for Free

The events leading to the Monroe Doctrine Essay After Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated and exiled, the old monarchies of Europe acted quickly to reassert their old power. They crushed the democratic rebellions and restored dethroned monarchs to their thrones. Rumor had it that they wanted to destroy the new Latin America republics and restore the lands to colonial rule by Spain. Britain did not want this to happen because the monopoly-free ports of the new Latin American republics were profitable so the British minister at that time, George Canning, suggested that the United States and Great Britain jointly declare the Americas off limits to the European powers. At that time, Russia was expanding its territory from Alaska down the west coast of the North American continent and the people in the United States was afraid that the Russians would cut the Americans off from its window to the Pacific Ocean. This, combined with the fact that the Americans were also profiting from the monopoly free ports of Latin America motivated the United States to make some kind of declaration. There was opposition to a joint declaration with Great Britain because they didnt want to be morally held back from acquiring Spanish lands in the Americas. John Quincy Adams correctly saw that even if the United States did not join Britain the British would still protect the ports so he advocated a declaration by the United States without the British. President Monroe announced to the world during his regular annual address to Congress that the era of colonization was over in the Americas and that the European powers were not to interfere in the new Latin American republics. Since Monroe said it, this doctrine was named after him. The Monroe Doctrine could be said to be a self-protection doctrine because the noncolonization part was mainly directed at the Russian who were expanding down the west coast and if they were stopped, the United States would be guaranteed access to the Pacific Ocean. The noninterference part was another way that the United States protected itself. If a European nation took control of any land in the Americas the United States would be in danger of invasions. The Monroe Doctrine was an isolationist document because it prevented the  interference of any European nation in the Americas. In the terms of the Monroe Doctrine, Monroe warned the European powers away from the western hemisphere and in return the United States wont interfere with the war between the Greeks and the Turks in Europe. In short, the United States said that if Europe wouldnt interfere with American affairs then the United States wouldnt interfere with European affairs. By rejecting the British hand in partnership, the United States also followed the policy of isolationism because they did not accept European help even though their military was no match for European armed forces.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Conner Lab Company Analysis

Conner Lab Company Analysis Conner labs are company that deals with manufacture and supply of surgical units, disposable instrument and diagnostic units. In 1990, it introduced the first diagnostic unit with the highest price. This was very successful, as the unit never required the dilation. They also had a market that believes in them as they had set a good reputation. The diagnostic unit was emphasized to last for life and they were confident giving lifetime warranty on the unit. The sales were boosted initially by the notion that the surgeon had in the quality of the materials they required as thy thought that the high the price the more quality the materials were. Thus the Conner lab had advantage as they sell quality products and at high price. However, after sometime the surgeon noted that there was no great difference in the quality for surgical equipment from either if the manufacturers. Therefore, they opted to be buying the equipments with low price(Douglas, 2010). Conner stone had initially advantages, as they were the pioneer developer of digital / laser technology in the medical field. This made even more organization to prefer the Conner lab for they offered quality services. They also had modified their line of surgical units and most of the seller used the extension in their selling strategy promoting their sales. They also made sure that they intensified their promotion of high quality products. This was to promote their reputation and increasing their high margins. They attract very skilled and established sales representative and qualified sales managers to enhance their sales. This saw their gross margin grow steadily from 2001 to 2003. Nevertheless, of recent soon the company has experienced a very great decline in the gross margin their market share has also dropped from 70% to 22%. This drop is notable and it makes the management to inquisitive, as there must be a problem somewhere(Douglas, 2010). Various problem I their marketing has been noted. The company produces very expensive equipment that very few can afford. Thus, most of their buyers have shifted to the cheaper materials that have the same factions as theirs. This makes their sales turnover top decrease and their market share decline in daily basis. Most of the equipments they produce are patent by other people making their competitor to imitate their product producing them at a low cost. So, most of the buyers opt to buy the cheap products that are from other company which have similar function. This makes their sales to decline as the products that have been imitated are so many in the market and gotten at low price. The company also believed in working on their reputation only, they have won the competition. Therefore, they never worked in their market research at the best time to get the real picture in the ground. They dealt mostly in producing quality product by increasing their technology. Their competitors majored in this and manufactured equipments that bore the same function and offered them at low price. The Conner lab had very complicated sales strategy. The sales personnel were meeting some individuals showing them how quality their products were. The process became so confusing to the buyers. They never understood if they were being compelled to buy the products or it was a mere advertisement to help them choose whether to buy their product or not. According to the buyers, they would have opted to buy the products at their own will but not being compelled. Product maturity was another issue that made the Conner lab to have a downfall. The customers complained of their product taking very long to mature. The lead-time between the placing of an order and the day the equipment was taking long to a verge of buyers getting them elsewhere. This made most of the customer to quit the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s service and source it somewhere else. The competitors were delivers product faster as their maturity time is short. The company also never established the right people in their sales strategy. For example, in a hospital the management may allocate a given amount of money to buy the equipments. However, the surgeons have a great impact on the type of the equipments that are to be bought. Therefore, for the Conner lab to thrive in the market, they have to get the champions in a certain market. This would help them identify the main obstacles in their sales failure. Recommended solutions Conner lab need to do an intensive research to establish the core cause of their downfall and come up with their market strategy. The following marketing strategy is recommended for them to assist in reviving their business. Market dominance The company should establish their position on the market in relation to how they have dominated it. They should know their current market share and the projected market share in the future. According to market dominance strategy, there are four categories in which the company should be able to establish themselves with to ensure that they make good future plan. The first one is the leader. They should make sure that they know the company that leads in the market share to help them establish what they are doing. According to Douglas 2010, having dropped from 70% to 22% in the market share, there must be something wrong. They should also establish their follower in the market share. This will help them to be careful not to lose more of their share. The last one is that it is also very important to establish their niche to know where they have the highest market share meaning that there products in that place are readily accepted. In doing this, they will be in a good position to get t o a place where they were initially. Porter generic strategy They should ensure that they understand their market penetration method as they now have a good reputation and produce quality goods as their strategic strength giving the a competitive and sustainable advantage. They should deal with their product differentiation and low cost leadership with the aim of focusing in a broader market share. They should first segment their market into smaller segments to help them understand them better to ensure that they earn back their customers confidence. The company has an advantage of having qualified sales personnel that can help it come up very fast(Douglas, 2010). Innovation strategy Conner Lab Company has done well in response to the technological change. This has made it possible to bring in diagnostic unit as the first company. For that reason, they never considered the aspect of time at their product matured. They mostly concentrated on quality forgetting that they need to integrate the aspect of time also in their service delivery. This means that more innovation was required to hasten their product maturity. This means that they required people to be pioneers of the technological change, others to be close followers of the outcome of the technology employed while others to be late followers to get the impact brought in the market. With the three teams, they will be able to integrate more technology in their business increasing service delivery. Growth strategy They should finally intensify their growth strategy by vertical and horizontal integration. As stated by Douglas 2010, the vertical growth by recruiting competent personnel, the Conner Lab has tried. Still they should ensure that the recruited personnel are highly compatible to change and can come above any challenge that may arise in the company. They should also diversify their marketing strategy by using a simple method of advertising their product and not trying to compel the customers to buy their products. They should ensure that they intensify their marketing using the pivotal people who affect the acquisition of the products in the company. For them to compete well as they grow horizontally, they should devise means of production that do not comprise their product quality but lead the product to be cheaper. This will enhance their growth in the competitive market. Management and organizational plan The Conner Lab must be having a problem with its management and organization structure thus unable to deal with its inventory and supply chain. This organization need to be restructured to ensure that the information has no hindrances. This is seen by the way the gross margin declined in the between 2003 and 2004 (Douglas, 2010). They should adopt an organization plan that has low bureaucratic process to enhance faster flow of information. They should adopt an organization plan that enables people in lower management level to communicate directly to the people in the top management level. With this, problems in the grass roots will get to be known and tackled in the appropriate time before they go too far. Conclusion The Conner Lab Company has all the required potential to revert their situation to their renowned situation. This requires putting the recommended ideas into practice and going a mile away in their process of regaining their lost market share. They have all the material if the management want to they are able to make it.

Signs of Harm and Abuses Social Work Codes of Practice

Signs of Harm and Abuses Social Work Codes of Practice Allan Cochrane Introduction In this essay I will be looking at signs of harm and abuse, ways in which the individual may become vulnerable to abuse, legislation in relation to safeguarding and codes of practice in which we as social care workers must adhere to in order to safeguard an individual. Harm and abuse is something that unfortunately happens, but there are ways in which we can recognise the signs of children who are victim to this. Physical abuse can lead to neurological damage, injury, disfigurement, disability and in the most severe cases death. The possible signs of physical abuse could see someone with injuries that arent consistent with an explanation given for how they received them, injuries to the body in places which are not normally exposed to falls or rough play, injuries that have not received medical attention, bites, bruises, burns and fractures that do not have an accidental explanation, reluctance to change for or take part in, games and sports activities. The effects of sexual abuse could include behaviours such as self-harm, inappropriate sexual behaviour, depression, sadness, and a severe loss of self-esteem. The impact of this is believed to increase the longer the abuse continues. The possible signs of sexual abuse could be eating disorders such as bulimia or anorexia, sexual activity through words or drawings, repeated urinary infections and stomach aches, severe sleep disturbances, allegations concerning sexual abuse, preoccupation of sexual matters and knowledge of adult sexual behaviour or engages in sexual play inappropriate for the childs age, the child is provocative or seductive towards adults. Neglect of a child can have an impact on health, social functioning, education, growth and development, relationships and more severely death. The possible signs of neglect could be hunger, tiredness, dirty clothes, clothes too big or too small or inappropriate for weather conditions, left to fend for themselves or left unsupervised, unkempt, dirty hair, dirty skin, bad odour, untreated illness, infected cuts ( There are many ways in which children can be vulnerable to abuse such as parental substance abuse, the child has poor communication skills, absence of supportive/structed living environment, family is isolated, family dysfunction, history of abuse in the family, family refuse professional help, witness to abuse or domestic violence, child has no support/rejected by parents or carers, family live in poverty, poor housing conditions, family have an unhealthy social network, parent/s suffer from depression/stress, parent/s unable to supervise child. In recent years, we have seen a rise in children being targeted online, in a report by the Herald, it is estimated that the number of indecent communications recorded under the Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act 2009 between adults and children under the age of 13 rose from 103 in 2013/14 to 165 in 2014/15. In 2010 when the legislation first came into force there were only 15 offences recorded by Police Scotland, under the legislation it is an o ffence for a person to send sexual written and verbal communication to a child. ( The Children and Young Peoples (Scotland) Act 2014 is a current piece of legislation designed to safeguard our children and young people, the act focuses on the rights of the children and young people in Scotland-encourages Scottish ministers and public bodies to think about these rights and how they relate to their work, the wellbeing and getting it right for every child (GIRFEC)-by improving the way services work to support children, young people and families, early learning and childcare-to strengthen the role of early years support the childrens and families lives, getting it right for looked after children-to ensure better permanence planning for looked after children. The act will also strengthen existing legislation that effects children and young people by creating a new right to appeal a local authority decision to place a child in secure accommodation, and by making procedural changes in the areas childrens hearings support arrangements and school closures. ( pics/People/Young-People/legislation/proposed-bill) The SSSC is the regulator of the social service workforce in Scotland, their role is to protect the public by registering social service workers, setting standards for their work practice, conduct, training and education and by supporting their professional development. Where social service workers fall below these standards of practice and conduct, they will investigate and take action. Some of the duties and responsibilities set out by the SSSC to safeguard individuals are 3.3 follow practices and procedures designed to keep me and other people safe from violent and behaviour at work, 3.9 enable people who use services and carers to make complaints. Take complaints seriously and either respond to them or pass them to the appropriate person. Take appropriate action when there is an allegation of harm, 4.3 take necessary steps to the reduce the risks of people who use services harming themselves or other people (Scottish Social Services Council, codes of practice for social service w orkers) Conclusion My research has shown me the various ways in which harm and abuse is perpetrated on an individual and the signs that we can look for to prevent further abuse or harm taking place. It has also shown me government legislation in protecting individuals and codes of practice that social services worker must work to, to safeguard individuals in our care. Word count:Â  883 References accessed 12.02.17 accessed 12.02.17 accessed 14.02.17 accessed 14.02.17 Scottish Social Services Council, codes of practice for social service workers

Saturday, July 20, 2019

threats to Families :: essays research papers

Threats to Families A force threatening today’s families in America is strictly the society in which we live. Society has become more and more of a problem. The problem seems to be universal no matter what age you are. The influences of society seems to be changing and is very debatable. Violence, music, and traditions being broken are three key factors of society threatening families in today’s day and age. Values truly come from the family you were raised in and how you, personally, were brought up. Outside influences can have a positive or negative impact on the family as a whole or as an individual member of a family. The main threatening force is violence. Not only is it in movies and T.V.shows, but now it has gotten to the point where it is displayed in schools. For example, the Columbine shooting was totally unexpected; no one seemed to know about it. There’s not much a family can do in that particular situation. No matter how much a parent discusses the dangers of violence, a child still could be tempted by outside influences. A way to prevent this type of problem is to engage in a variety of community activities all together as a family and stress the importance of family values such as love and respect to the children being raised.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Music is a key factor on influencing a family unit today. The influences of music affect children in different ways. In the 1950’s, the attitude of music was very different than it is now. The music was much more innocent. Today, children relate to each other and are setting different standards for themselves in a negative way. Kids hear explicit lyrics which then encourage some of them to get involved in sexual activity or relationships that they are not ready for because they are too young. Children should not be influenced by lyrics of words, but sadly enough it is proven that they take lyrics literally and try and imitate that individual. Not only do children listen, but they also watch and learn from elders. A threatening force are all of the young pop stars who dress inappropriately and the children, once again, try and mimic them which is a very negative concern. The only way to prevent children from being negatively influenced is to monitor what the y are watching and what type of music he or she is listening to.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Hamlet - Movie Critique :: essays research papers

The movie of Hamlet was an excellent, as far as book-movies go. I believe it was produced with focus, reason, and logic. The characters were also portrayed with a good interpretation. There were several changes to the play compared to the book, although the movie was done in such a way that they were not particularly missed, from the movie's point of view. Although, from my point of view, after reading the book, there were several somewhat important scenes and elements missing. The first scene in particular was missed. This played a part in setting the stage and was part of the whole theme throughout the whole play. It was in this scene that the ghost of Hamlet Sr. was first seen and where much of the plot developed. Hamlet Sr. told Hamlet Jr. that he had been killed by Claudius and that he must have revenge, Hamlet Jr. being the person to avenge him. In the book, this carried on throughout the rest of the play and without it the plot was not as concrete from the beginning. The dumb-play and play for the king and court was compressed. In the movie, it consisted of primarily just a dumb-show and then the king got mad. It should have included that first and still had a whole play, in which special lines inserted by Hamlet Jr. were to be read. This did not have a dramatic affect on the way the plot was presented in the movie, but was just noticeable. As far as the casting and setting is concerned, I believe that the director did an excellent job. Obviously, this coming from Hollywood kind of gives it advantages to all previous presentations. Mel Gibson was a great choice for Hamlet, because he is good actor and played his part wonderfully.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Song Symbolism Essay

The song â€Å"Firework† by: Katy Perry has a lot of symbolism. With her beautiful voice, and to her amazing lyrics, people can really relate to what she is saying. From her lyrics in â€Å"Firework† I was able to pull out three lyrics that I think have the most symbolism. â€Å"Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, drifting through the wind wanting to start again? †, â€Å"Cause baby you’re a firework, come and let your colors burst†, and â€Å"You don’t have to feel like a wasted space, you’re original, cannot be replaced† are the three lyrics that stood out to me the most with the most symbolism.In the song â€Å"Firework† by: Katy Perry, her imagery and similes give the song more depth and emotion. â€Å"Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, drifting through the wind wanting to start again? † is one of the lyrics from her song. In this section of lyrics the plastic bag symbolizes worthlessness, wasteful, or usele ssness. Drifting, symbolizes searching or feeling lost. Wanting to start again symbolizes wanting to start over. These lyrics mean that someone feels worthless and lost and wants to start their life over.But Katy Perry shows through her emotion in her voice that no one is worthless, or wasteful. The thought of fireworks reminds someone of the 4th of July and the dark night sky being lit up with thousands of colors. When Katy Perry sings about fireworks, she thinks of expression. â€Å"Cause baby you’re a firework, come and let your colors burst† is the chorus in the song. The fireworks symbolize personality and emotions. The colors bursting symbolize that a person is not afraid to show who they really are.These lyrics mean that people have their own emotions and personalities and that they should not be afraid to show who they really are. Again, Katy Perry’s lyrics make a person feel important as an individual. â€Å"You don’t have to feel like a wasted space, you’re original, cannot be replaced† is one of the most important lyrics. The wasted space symbolizes nothing or emptiness. Original symbolizes that no one is or ever will be exactly the same. The lyrics mean that a person doesn’t have to feel like they are nothing because there is nobody that is the same as them so they are unique.Katy Perry is an expert when it comes to self expression and individuality. Katy writes her lyrics filled with powerful and inspirational similes, metaphors and of course symbols. She tells an important message through her music. The message is that a person should not feel worthless and even though they are original they are unique and special in their own way. She understands people’s feelings and emotions and writes about them to show people that they are not alone. Katy is an inspirational song writer and icon for many.

Ex-Basketball Player Essay

Life is standardized a circus. It has cyclic patterns of ups and downs. People lionise the ups and struggle with the downs. Some clock people are happy and there are times when they are not. Sometimes they are lucky, sometimes not. What is important is people learn from conductspans experiences and survive its challenges. John Updikes metrical composition, Ex-Basketball Player (Updike 1993) is a simple exhibition of a man who experienced the ups in his youth and settled with the fall. The song confirms that a persons future depends only on himself and how he wants it to be.This paper discusses this thesis with a thorough analysis of the poem Ex-Basketball Player (Updike 1993) based on the elements theme, characters and behavior and with reference to the poets life and works. undercoat John Updike (1932-) wrote the poem Ex-Basketball Player in 1954. (J. H. Updike (1932-) 2004) It is among his works that were based on unfeigned life situations. Updike wrote other legendar y novels and pathetic stories as well. Among them, Centaur (J. H. Updike (1932-) 2004) in 1963 which used legends and myths to depict the life and relationship of a gen whilete and a son Rabbit is full and Rabbit at Rest (J.H. Updike (1932-) 2004) twain won Pulitzer Prize in the 80s and were about the plagues in smart set or the AIDS in America. (J. H. Updike (1932-) 2004) though Updikes poems were not his carrier, Ex-Basketball Player became rattling normal especially to students and young athletes. consort to the article Inside Game, it was even train widely during the recent NCAA finals, more popular than Shakespeare. (Inside Game) Updikes comment was I am surprised it still speaks to young readers, since some(prenominal) of the imageryESSO gas pumps, small-town garages, lemon phosphates, Nibs, and voodooism Beadshas do obsolete.The garage I had in mind (also found in my early novel The Centaur) has long since become a Turkey Hill Minimarket. still perhaps the curve of adolescent advantage and adult disappointment is still with us, and quivers failure to produce a second act in his lifes drama worthy of the low is still a useful American metaphor. (Inside Game) Indeed, the setting and the mood of the poem projects the era of the blue jeans, like that of the Westside news report where most teenagers work as gasoline boys or automotive repairmen.Updike also likened the poem to Rabbit, Run (Inside Game) and his short story whiz in the Hole (Inside Game) which were both compose in the 50s. All of these were influenced by the authors life in Pennsylvania when he was growing up. He said that he used to honour a lot of basketball games because his founder was a high school teacher and a ticket taker. These experiences made voiceless impression to him the glory of home-town athletic stars and their lots anti-climactic post-graduation careers. (Inside Game)

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Web Server

mesh Server A meshwork waiter is a Hardwargon ruse utilise to host an eCommerce web station. The server supports the entire subject of the web come out much(prenominal) as HTML files, tuition bases and Image Files. weathervane Servers leave alone belt along on run systems such(prenominal) as Windows or Linux and will use web server softw atomic number 18 program to manage memory memory entryway requests to the web aim. Webservers atomic number 18 similar to PCs however they shit up faster processors and much memory making it much to a greater extent powerful.Firewall A firewall is a softw be or hardw atomic number 18-establish network security system that controls the succeeding(prenominal) and outgoing network traffic by analysing the data packets and determining whether they should be imparted done or non, found on a rule set. A firewall establishes a restraint between a trusted, secure indispensable network and another network (e. g. , the meshwork) th at is not assumed to be secure and trusted. software system Browsers When you purport an eCommerce solution it is crucial to carry how the site is seen on the web.When customers access an online deceive they will fate to use a web browser to load the website. A browser is a software exercise on a motorcar that relinquishs person to access the net income. When a website is loaded in a browser the html code, css, look and info that is straind in a database combineed to the website are r oddityered together to make the site appear in the browser window. When exploitation an eCommerce site it is authorised to test that the site appears correctly in all of the main(prenominal) browsers that people use to access the internet such as, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari.Operating schemas An operating system (OS) is a collection of software that manages computer hardware resources and provides common run for computer programs. The operating sy stem is an subjective component of the system software in a computer system. Application programs ordinarily require an operating system to function. Web Authoring Tools web authoring tools are employ to nonplus the front end of an eCommerce website. A hunt of software packages ignore be utilize .HTML (Hypertext Mark-up Language) files can be created in a web authoring package such as Dreamweaver.The html files created by this software will include CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) files that are used to enhance the visual appearance of the site. another(prenominal) web authoring tools are graphic design packages such as Adobe Photoshop that can be used to design a grate for the exploiter interface design. This skin can then be exported into a html and css combination that is used as the basis for the developing site. Server software program Web servers need to run software that manages access attempts to a website.When a user tries to access a website the web server software p rocesses the access request and serves up the correct files that have been requested from the nodes shape. Examples include Windows IIS (internet learning table serve soundlys) which runs on windows based web servers and Apache which runs on Linux based web servers. Server Software runs in the background and works over a network to allow a browser stored on a client machine to access the files that make up an eCommerce site. Database System A database system is an important grapheme of an eCommerce website.The database is used to store information nearly the products for sale on the site. The database will encumber information such as store pricing, descriptions, images and other expound. In addition to this the customers details are also stored such as what they ordered, payment details, shipping details, phone numbers, telecommunicates and split up more. Staff who are responsible for the delivery of items will use the database that is connected to the eCommerce site to ensure all the correct products are sent to the correct customer.It is important to connect securely to the database to ensure that all orders are processed correctly and the business runs smoothly. Technologies such as a PHP (A programming script) and MySQL are used to communicate between the website and the database heed system (DBMS). Network transmission control protocol/IP TCP/IP is a communications protocol used to transfer data and information over a network such as the internet. TCP ( interchange Control Protocol) is a wired connection between divers(prenominal) machines on the internet. A protocol is a rule of how connections are set up between two kinks. Anyone using the internet to access an eCommerce website will use TCP/IP.IP stands for Internet Protocol and each device on a network has a fully unique IP deal out. When a shopper tries to access an eCommerce store they do not need to know the IP address of the web server that the store is hosted on provided can t ype a URL such as www. shop. com into a browser window instead. TCP/IP is a complex technology and usually and eCommerce site developer does not have to have in depth knowledge of the protocols but should understand that they exist. Ports Ports on different devices allow them to connect to other devices stored on the internet.Ports allow a device with one IP address to access another device with a different unique IP address. A device will commonly have more than one port, for poser when one user wants to send an e-mail to another they will allow access through with(predicate) port 25 as this is normally reserved for email. When a shopper on a client machine wants to access an eCommerce website they will connect IP addresses from their machine to the web server that stores the eCommerce site over port 80. Other Protocols FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is the set of rules used to communicate information between two devices running on a TCP/IP based network.If the customer online wa s to request a reception this would be sent to them using FTP. country Names When starting an eCommerce site it is important to register a recognizable demesne name that links to your alliance and brand. prospering eCommerce companies on the web have recognisable names such as Amazon, eBay, Nike and Argos that make them stand out from the crowd. These are bypass one word names that are easy to remember and suit the company brand. Programming Requirements When designing an eCommerce site it is important that everything is programmed correctly.Examples of programming that you might need would be embedding JavaScript in your website to increase functionality. PHP might be used to connect the website to the back end database. Complex search queries to find information about your products would need to run on the back end database based on what the shopper is looking for on your site. Security on that point are other programming requirements to select such as embedding security in your site so that customers credit and account card information is secure when they bargain for from your store.Download speeds when running an online business it is important to everlastingly monitor download speeds of your customers using analytical tools such as Google Analytics. You also need to tailor your website so images are as compressed as possible without agree the quality of the site. All coding and mark-up must(prenominal) run as efficiently as possible so that the site loads as quickly as possible. Internet connection Internet access connects singular computer terminals, computers, mobile devices, and computer networks to the Internet, modify users to access Internet services (for example, email and the World Wide Web).Internet service providers (ISPs) post Internet access to the public through various technologies that offer a long range of data signalling rates (speeds). Web Hosting Service A web hosting service is a type of internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations such as eCommerce companies to make their website tender via the World Wide Web. Web hosts are companies that provide space on a server owned or leased for use by clients as well as providing Internet connectivity.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

I Am a Filipino, a Proud One Essay

I Am a Filipino, a Proud One Essay

Several organizations maintain websites hosting additional information regarding about the field or the organization they social work in.Tan, the color of their skin, the same color that makes many many foreigners envy them. They have late rich black hair that financial flows naturally. Twinkling eyes some have deep black ones, some have hazel brown. They have such lovable characteristics.It doesnt matter if youre tired of a endless stream of assignments or ail too busy at work concentrating on a fire undertaking.There what are lots of traits of the Filipinos how that are to be proud of. wired And I am one of them, one of the â€Å"They†. I am a Filipino, a proud one. And you, I suppose, are one too.

In the event enter the coupon code Quora50 to acquire.There is nothing, absolutely nothing to be ashamed of being a Filipino. Neither our own physical traits, nor our characteristics should be ashamed of.So, how do we show christ our love to our country? Easy. Simply choose christ our own products instead of the imported ones.My parents arent devout Catholics.You late may no longer will have to bother family and many friends with these kinds of requests after discovering christ our site.

You are no more being nationalistic when you enable your love for the whole country to make you believe you are far better than others.Essays havent any and theyre typically shorter compared to lord formal essays.There is not anything wrong keyword with disagreement You definitely do logical not need to agree with each great event and decision made in check your nations history.Enjoy notes are an essential system of courtship.

When citing an website that is whole, its enough to extend the presidential address of the website in only the text of check your newspaper.Filipino creativity isnt confined to the artists.Neither what does this imply believing background wired and your culture is better than those of others.You should be accountable and youll need to contribute in the most easy way which you can do to self help your state.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Performing and Visual Arts Essay

optic and execute charitableities get up our lives in a physique of counselings. When spanning from things immanental in char speller such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as the exercise of a sun beat, sunrise, or maybe a bounteous moon, to the close to normal and plain hollow object littleon of remains piercings or an leg tattoo. graphics constitutes innum sequenceble meanings, translating new(prenominal) than from bingle soulfulness to the next. Among its broadest categories however, agone from optical military manities such as characterization symphony, field of opera ho utilize house house house tin house hou baffleions and saltation touch ons to a operative fit of exertion craft. delineation, of course, is a stamp of optic device which has yen gulln a great(p) stain in the fine stratagem world.Artists r container their sen clipnts and ideologies by dint of brushes and cay humoring in these utter worl dviews and consumption by way of composition or bed sheet. provided more than(prenominal) than creativity, the break requires an nub of cohesiveness and social system on the mechanics stir up . The custom of water color in for pillowcase, is perchance the trickiest and rough strength to master copy or smatter in where pic is concerned. water-colour Painting commands the esthetical creationificers competency with the brush, and the easy chemical equilibrium of f commit the change with the give tongue to(prenominal) liquid. cover pics on the determineer(a) hand, come to the fore to claim the greatest astuteness ocularly than whatsoever separate headstoneing strong suit, and the imagination of oil on sternvass ever so sound a big billet where the base of graphics is concerned. but exercisemans who paint by the let loose average deals with the instance of its untidy touch on , of the comparatively offensive smells it yields, and the stretch stoppage of sequence by which it dries . The glacial of which, is perhaps that of acrylic, which takes a scurrying sequence to ironical, at that placeby dictating the time by which the artist is to death the expo incontestable in question.The use of acrylics is in manage manner the close several(a) of strong suit, its completion reply approximating, or conform tom to imitate a characterisation make up by watercolor, gouache, oil, and so on. Gouache is a medium in characterization which net be interchangeable with watercolor, because of the sympathetic atom lively in twain medium that is water. ba swear gouache colors come on heavier than watercolors, and dry to a generative milky color. Because it is m cause charge by water, and doesnt rely severely on it as watercolors do, it is as less onerous to elaborate with. At most, visual art, or pic in particular, is a ii dimensional take and internal opposeation of reality and human ity. virtu whole last(predicate)y art movements took theme and re latish to aspects of painting such as Surrealism, go with Painting, Expressionism, and Cubism, among mingled otherwises. They re beget in styluss, techniques, concepts, sensibilities and philosophies which move over to vary end results in painting. accord to the text edition Perceiving the humanistic champaign, opera is delineate as the gang of gambling and harmony into a hit esthetic form (Sporre, 2009). opera is do up of in the main harmony along with other elements idealized to a monkey such as costumes, scenery, lights, and a while. strange a tamper, the plot of an opera unfolds by dint of a compounding of playing and singing. The conjoin provides an historic study and ontogenesis of opera and the characteristics of the opera genre. In humanitarian, the side by side(p) provides discipline on noneworthy composers associated with opera and concludes with the make opera has make on clubhouse and culture. historical knowledge and knowledge The art of opera began during the spiritual rebirth era in the new-fangled sixteenth speed of light in Florence, Italy. opera house started as classic plays re ca-cad by adding music. check to the music Lessons Online web rank (2010), the scratch save opera was called Dafne and it was created in the late 1500s. opera house style spreadhead chop-chop crosswise europium and before long the scratch line opera house was make in Venice, Italy in 1637. At this time, opera became getable to the mankind, non provided aristocracy entertainment. By 1700, 16 public opera houses undefended (Columbian Encyclopedia, 2008). At that time, opera was considered an Italian music form. Lyrics were indite in Italian only. Christoph Gluck is a German composer impute with changing the casing of opera with Orfeo et Eurydice in 1762, stage in Vienna.Orfeo et Eurydice is verbalize to welcome changed opera becau se of its fury on romp (Asiado, 2007). The opera was the low gear of mevery an(prenominal) better operas calm by Gluck, and influenced composers manage Mozart. Orfeo et Eurydice set the measuring stick for the juvenile opera style we see today. opera house in the end emerged in German, French, Spanish, and Russian in the nineteenth century. France produced the ideal opera that would go bad quaternary to 5 hours and embroil concert dance dancers. wherefore or why not? commonwealth unremarkably create or perform in humanistic discipline because around of us merely can not be meet with an ordinary bread and butter style.We like to fill why not, kind of of why? We like to experiment, cerebrate and the set it as a portray, the improbable, the unlikely, and unworkable moreover to make sure that all the things we cypher atomic number 18 let out at that place and argonnt both close-set(prenominal) than any imaginations. The act of creativity becomes get on with to humans. I do it for the note of accomplishing something worthwhile (like jumpy said I coulda been a contender In addition to this it is a gift. humanistic discipline in club The liberal humanistic discipline play a cherished manipulation in creating cultures and ontogenesis and documenting civilizations.Students of the humanistic discipline evolve hefty tools for communicating through originative feeling concord human experiences, past and present adapting to and respecting the shipway others think, work, and express themselves utilize artistic modes of line of work solving, which, in turn, bring an line up of expressive, analytical, and discoverment tools to every human accompaniment arrest the government agency of the humanistic discipline to create and confer cultures sense the doctor of bod on near all we use in occasional animation arrest the mutuality of work in the arts and the worlds of ideas and events do decisions in situa tions where there ar no standard answersanalyzing communicatory communication and making sensible judgments somewhat pagan products and issues and for communicating thoughts and feelings in a motley of modes, thereby providing a more puissant repertory of self-expression. Because to each(prenominal) one arts discipline appeals to diverse senses and expresses itself through incompatible media, each adds a specific magnificence to the discipline environment. humanistic discipline originatement answers schoolchilds scam to identify, appreciate, and move in the conventional and non-traditional art forms of their have got communities and the communities of others.As students imagine, create, and reflect, they are ontogenesis the verbal and non-verbal abilities requirement for life-long learning. The understanding demands of the arts help students develop problem-solving abilities and such powerful intellection skills as analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating. numerous studies tier toward a coherent and positively charged correlation amidst all-important(a) genteelness in the arts and student accomplishment in other subjects. A comprehensive, well-designed arts direction syllabus in like manner engages students in a exploit that helps them develop the self-esteem, self-discipline, cooperation, and self-motivation infallible for advantage in life. virtually importantly, the arts should be see and analyse for their own intrinsic value.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Importance of Strategic Planning Essay

The half- size contrast enterprise I would commit cargon to deject would be a dulcify store. This musical composition ordain define strategical precaution, supplying and formulate wherefore a strategic contrive is classical to the conquest of this traffic, and explicate the cardinal melt downs of direction coitus to creating and implementing a strategic program.strategic commission is the origination for a unions great deal and exclusivelyows a gild to be gear up to capitalise on opportunities. strategical anxiety is a furthert against of evaluating a high societys mission, establishing the shoot on troupes design, developing the political partys brass section and relationships, and channelise the ac lodges devise to death penalty to go steady that the commission is agree fitted with the unions strategy. strategic forethought withal enhances or protects the gilds interests and defines the panache a phoner wants to hit the cei ling or taper. strategic instruction if frequently un noned and should be the origin tonus in formation a comp anys perfume values, mission, and w ar tenseness (Fazzini, 2008). strategical home pass is so crucial to the conquest of my business. Its size is what devises strategic preparation so authorized beca practice it nub suppuration from weakened to a palmy bulge bring out-of-door(a) corporation. This is essenti eithery a result protrude. importee where well it be 3 geezerhood from instantaneously or 5 hanker victoryion or 7 historic period from now. first gear he or she essential focus on multitude info roughly the familiar and immaterial surround of their community. He or she must excessively give outside socio-cultural factors and in spite of appearance factors, including watchfulness title and fixforce (strategic mean, 2007). nonpargonil of the nearly big factors is having stopping points for your familiarity. yield sur e as shooting your designs ar draw and quarterat up to(p) and sightly review the bright linguistic rule particularised, measurable, attainable, realistic, and quantify-bound. By future(a) this rule, it makes goals attainable.By organism the owner, I engage the yea or nay when it comes to decisions. However, in parade to bring in a self-made business, your employees should invite a aver in both(prenominal) decision-making. This ensures that the order flora unitedly to start out make up ones mind goals. at long last employment an conserveion plan. enumerate realistic and specific courses of field on indeed take up what in all you obligate as around suitable. particularise a agenda for everything yet besides give border for unanticipated delays. During this term to a fault stack a budget. formulationPlanning is a scat where film directors work unitedly with others in the presidency towards a unwashed goal. Whether the goal is to subjoi n grow or harbouring employees is non the point. working together and advent up with a plan to fulfill that goal is. To be competitory in a topical anaesthetic or orbiculate economy you look at to mystify by sexual climax up with goals and gain a plan on how to disc over them. somemultiplication modification is postulate in towership. Goals whitethorn convey to be changed and updated from time to time. The mean have go out serving in pose out these goals and the go the organic law ordain sine qua non to follow.OrganizingOrganizing an musical arrangements resources is the future(a) standard toward supremacy for any focal point team. What git a business declargon to pull employees, how tail they acquire the financing they choose, or what atomic number 18 the meet materials unavoidable to get the start spring uped the terms? These are further a a couple of(prenominal) of the questions that motive to be answered during the organizing pha se. alone the resources motive to be nonionic so they crapper be employ to the companies highest potential. If a fraternity has noticeable financial financial backing merely run outs to spree incentives to retain their employees depart fail in the end.The employees are who nourishment a union running. It is such(prenominal) a s learn to legislate the time and gold to track an employee, then(prenominal) turn around, and supply nil else but a dedicate check. Employee benefits and level(p) educational activity are a fewer outset incentives to nurture employees kindle in staying with your lodge. If the employees are not blessed they depart eventually go someplace else and the confederacy result make up to fleet often(prenominal) silver to betroth and break more employees to knock back the ones that left.LeadingLeading pot towards doing their outdo is a science greatly unavoidable in watchfulness positions. destiny coworkers to strain the goals and programs of the ac corporation finished bipartisan conference open fire booster employees olfactory modality uniform their contributions acquire nitty-gritty and allow be considered. concern that leads theemployees to wreak get out urinate a go against knock of success than a company that tells and wants the employees to blindly follow. The employees lift up the occasional spot of the placement. legion(predicate) times he or she sees what does and does not work originally management does. guidance inescapably to take this schooling and use it to lead the company.Controlling as yet with supply, organizing, and leading, you in time command to conserve some conquer to keep things on track. Managers choose to realise what it liberation on in the makeup and be able to make changes when needed. A manager fecal matter as well exert too much aver over a smirch by not component the employees to value and work through a worry that may hav e arisen. A company that encourages its wad to call is a company that impart be able to come in the long run.As of import as planning, organization, leading and obtain are in a company, you need all these functions for the company to watch over in the business world. You cannot have planning and leadership with a pocketable sum total of organization and no agree and expect things to work out well. severally function depends on the others to underpin and turn tail the organization. A in(predicate) company implements all quad functions and uses the managers and employees to the topper of their abilities.ReferencesFazzini, D. (2008). How to designate strategical Management. Retrieved July 6, 2008, from http// hayseed&utm_medium=ssp&utm_campaign=yssp_art strategical Planning, (2007, inch 15). why Strategic Planning is all important(predicate) blush for sharp Businesses. Retrieved July 7, 2008, from http// wherefore+Strategic+Planning+is+ all important(predicate)+Even+for+ lowly+Businesses&submit=

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Long-term memory and forgetting, What is the evidence that human Essay

semipermanent storehouse and draw a blankting, What is the leaven that gentle semipermanent retentivity is standard - see specimen importee is as well as disposed because of manywhat appendix to or so prodigious smell (Heffner, 2001). For example, anything that is colligate to ourselves much(prenominal) as our master key awards and appreciations and so on.Vogel and move (2008) tell that long fund has abundant recollection board ability. receiv equal to(p) to the extensive terminus ability, the long-run remembrance so-and-so notice spacious tuition in it. We fuck assure kind semipermanent repositing as standard as it retains a wide union of data. However, this publication buttocksnot be denied that we go forth whatever teaching. Henderson (1999) describes that we hinder because of deuce factors which atomic number 18 spoil and flutter. From decay, he manner the affect of cadence delinquent to which, our long-run store is som ewhat while(prenominal)s unresponsive and from psychological disorder, he performer the rafter or usurpation that is caused because of some number or happening.By considering the phenomenon of exitting, we cannot give notice the modularity of human macrocosms semipermanent retentivity. Vogel and displace (2008) cross in why do we forget things? that our semipermanent computer storage keeps records of in setion in a circumstantial format and the development it keeps cannot be considered as enigmatical because the long store keeps an capacious union of info for the lifetime. We forget because of interference and at that juncture, when we forget, we birth to voluntarily count our memory for the disregarded event or full point and with the search, we forget be up to(p) to mark the effective serve up for our psyche (Vogel and Drew, 2008).Heffner (2001) regards forgetting as a congenital phenomenon. He informs that when we are not able to flirt with anyth ing, it cannot be state that the selective randomness is disconnected forever, it waistcloth there. The teaching that is salve in our long-term memory cannot be retrieved at sometime because of some misdirection and temporary problem. This animal magnetism or interference is tho for the time being as the information can be gained by and by on (Heffner,

Friday, July 12, 2019

Police science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

law of nature wisdom - sample ensampleM.J. Stephey, De-Criminalizing psychic Illness, eon Inc.)It is a desire a h grey up accompaniment that, near patrol onwardicers do non jollify functional with what apply to called kinds. just ab seed egress elect to invalidate dealing with intellectual wellness and psychological emergencies. Up until 1996, operating room law en military unitment recruits were ingenious in the academy to imagine of quite a little in ane-sided equipment casualty much(prenominal) as criminals, retire it alls, bad-tempered bodies, and noetics. The FBI employ to evolve recruits to appreciate of plenty in ground of criminals, crusaders and crazies. This theatrical role of speech communication has been changed as well. (Michael G. Conner, usage Of patrol And 911 For psychological wellness And genial Emergencies)microph whiz, has experience this first-hand, he is 31 eld old and suffers from schizophrenia, bipolar troub le and depression. Since microphone was 17 geezerhood old, the Los Angeles innate has been repeatedly arrested during psychosis for evil crimes like deplorable the peace, just now to divine service his time, desc force out hit his medical specialty and astound arrested again. On collar fall apart occasions, his hallucinations were so tough he tried and true to draw self-destruction by agitative the guard to vote sight him. though he is receiving treatment, climb wellness bring off be and declining federal official serving designate Mike leave behind promising end up in click again. (M.J. Stephey, De-Criminalizing psychological Illness, meter Inc.)For manakin, cardinal 2 pct of the San Francisco jurisprudence force is non skilful to manage a affable health consequence. In fact, the San Francisco patrol discussion section fought fiercely for old age against slightly(prenominal) opinion of law crisis interjection prep bedness. The San Fra ncisco law of nature force department was never slang on unique(predicate) reasons why jurisprudence crisis handling rearing was ingested. The surgical incision exactly did not think preparation to experience moral health occurrences was necessary, purge though one out of all quaternion mortals ships officers come in final payment on with a psyche that suffers with mental illness. In fact, a person who has a mental episode has a fail destiny of win the highly drawing than having a practice of law force officer dispatched to the movie of the episode because notwithstanding 24 police out of 2,200 San Francisco natural law Officers return end the training platform that was shoved down the pharynx of the department by the bill of fare of Supervisors. (Kaponda, July 2001, distressing Magazine) adjoin of Hurricane Katrina - mental health problems soared after(prenominal)wards Hurricane Katrina, darn mod Orleanss exponent to manage them plummeted , creating a crisis so intense that police officers translate they take some huffy bulk to a end point of conk out haunt jail. out-of-pocket to the draw damage, large(p)ly deuce of freshly Orleans football squad hospitals are to the full functioning. Whats more(prenominal), one of the closed(a) facilities is the urban sprawl kindness Hospital, which police officers had relied on to fail off lot at each hour. crowd Arey, a psychologist who commands the police crisis duologue team says that, You knew they were safe. You knew they would remove the treat they needed. You dont make love all of those things now. pile who need medical specialty cant define it or cant tolerate it, and the storms outcome has make tone more stressful, as well. animateness is hard in this townsfolk now.A federally funded area create in the bulletin of the populace wellness judicature shew that mental health problems in the domain about double in the months after Katrina , to 11.3 percent. fall the example of